Wednesday, October 18

News to me

I found out last night that I am the favorite customer of at least 40% of the bartenders at the Tin Can.

Monday, October 16


I went to Target to buy a new iron on Sunday. The prices ranged from $10 to $120—one hundred-and-twenty-frickin’-dollars. For an iron. Here are my calculations:

Difference between $60 and $120 irons: None
Difference between $20 iron and $60 iron: Titanium faceplate
Retractable cord
Slight increase in wattage
Combine dollar value (to P Bu) of titanium faceplate, retractable cord, and slight increase
in wattage: $0.00

I bought a $20 iron.

Monday, October 9

My Opinion

Steak fry is the best cut of french fry.