Sunday, September 3

Airport story

I had a layover in Memphis the other day. As I got to the gate, the steward announced that we were going to be delayed by an hour or so. Consequently, I went to the bar. I had changed clothes between work and the flight, so I was wearing my Atlanta Crackers jersey rather than a suit. Right after I sat down at the bar, a black guy about my age (maybe a little younger) sat down beside me. After he ordered a drink, he turned to me and said “So, I gotta ask: what’s up with the Crackers jersey?” As it turned out, he was on my flight and had seen me waiting at the gate when he first noticed the jersey. I explained that the Crackers were a minor league team in the old Southern League until the Braves moved to Atlanta. He didn’t seem quite satisfied until I said “And I think it’s funny to walk around in a jersey that says ‘Crackers.’” We killed an hour having a few drinks and talking about whether my jersey is offensive, why it’s socially acceptable to say most ethnic slurs in a detached sense whereas one is not (that is, I said that I didn’t think it offensive for a white guy to wear a jersey that says Cracker just as it wouldn’t be offensive for a Jewish guy to wear a jersey that said Kike or for a black guy to wear a jersey that said the n-word—I used the terms “kike” and “n-word," and we discussed the difference), whether “wigger” is offensive and to whom, why slurs like ofay aren’t used anymore, and other ethnic-related topics—altogether sensitive topics for two dudes who’d never met before. Despite the seriousness of the topics, we were treating them very cavalierly, and we were having drinks and joking about them the whole time. For instance, we noted and laughed whenever anyone in eyesight was true to their ethnic form: the white, male attorney drinking scotch, the black woman yelling and slapping her gaggle of kids (but what the hell was she doing at the airport?), the pack of short Asian businessmen simply walking around together, the hoosier whose wife beater couldn’t even come close to covering his gut, etc. After a few drinks, we went back to the gate to board. While in line, a voice came through the overhead speakers trying to get someone to move his/her illegally parked car by calling for someone to move the “white Cadillac.” I turned to my new friend and simply asked “Yours?” He laughingly responded, “Fuck no you didn’t say that.”


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