Hoosier in the bathroom
I got in an argument with a dude in the bathroom during the Cards-D'backs game last night. We were in line in a small (3 urinals and one stall) bathroom at the new Busch Stadium. During the 3-4 minute wait, some of the men in the front of the line had waited directly behind one of the gents at the urinals. When I got to the front of the line, I waited against the opposite wall about five feet from the urinals rather than crowding some dude trying to pee. The guy behind me bypassed me and started waiting a foot behind one of the guys at a urinal. I tapped him on the shoulder and politely told him that there was a line. He responded by saying "Well, get in line then." Knowing that he meant I should stand directly behind one of the dudes peeing, I then said something to the effect of "I don't want some guy crowding me while I'm taking a leak, so I assume they [pointing at the guys at the urinal] don't want me crowding them." Obviously annoyed and angered, he obstinately said "well, that will put the line out the door." He then shrugged, went back in line behind me, laughed, and said something to his buddy behind him that I couldn't hear. At that point, one of the urinals opened up, so I went pee.
This aggression will not stand, man.
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